Privacy Policy
Please read the privacy policy carefully to understand the privacy practices of PWS Gulf in the Gulf Region. If you do not agree to these, do not access this site, or any pages thereof. By proceeding with access to the website you are deemed to have accepted the privacy policy and other terms and conditions published on this website.
PWS Gulf Insurance Brokers LLC, (“PWS Gulf”) is a Limited Liability Company incorporated in the Emirate of Dubai under Federal Law No. 115 and its subsequent amendments. This Privacy Policy tells you, in broad terms, how we use personal information that we collect from your use of the domain https://www.pwsgulf.com/ (the “Website”) and all sub-domains of the Website. If you provide us with personal, or corporate, information including your contact details and any other information enabling us to identify you and provide you with our services, we will treat it according to this policy.
In this privacy policy, “our”, “we” and “us” refer to PWS Gulf.
We may make changes to this privacy statement from time to time. Such changes will be effective from the time they appear on the Site. You can check the effective date at the end of the document which allows you to determine whether there have been changes made since the last time you reviewed our policy. Therefore, you should remember to check this privacy statement from time to time.